Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bitchassness within the Brother Hood.

Hey its your Mela... I've come to you with a major case of bitchassness that includes Willie Taylor, Screwface and Day26.

Bitchassness 1: Willie always picking fights with Que.

  • Because Que is the youngest, Willie felt like he could talk shit to Que. Que wasn't taking the bull shit and fought back with him

Bitchassness 2: Bringing in a manager that all your group members did not agree with.

  • Willie worked with Screwface on previous business matters and led everyone to believe he was a good manager.

Bitchassness 3: Having your manager steal money from your group member and not saying anything.

  • Screwface began to steal money from Que, Willie knew about it and he said nothing.

Bitchassness 4: Having your manager stealing money from Day26's fans.

  • Screwface started an official fan club for Day26, fans ordered there packages (Spending an upward of $100.00) and then they never got there stuff.

So here's where shit hits the fan:

Que began to notice that his money wasn't right, so he began to question what was going on. As he questioned things, his group member willie Taylor, began to have an issue with him. According to Que, he was given a letter, saying he's no longer apart of the group.

Mela's thoughts: If you have the nerve to call someone a brother, then you work shit out.

At the end of the day, there's a lot of details that everyone knows, so I won't go on with this. But I will say that at the end of the day Day26 will succeed with out Que, Que brought most of the fans in and once he left so did the fans.

Moral of the Story: What you do the dark will eventually come our in the light...

Further details of this case of bitchassness will be posted

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