Michael Jackson has been in the industry for about 45 years, he was a multi platinum phenomenon. Michael Jackson was indeed the King of Pop Until Someone kicked his bucket. here where the Bitchassness begins....
THE BITCHASSNESS #1: The death of Michael Jackson. MJ was about to embark on a series of 50 shows at O2 arena in London. Until that Faithful June 25th when the world stopped. Here how some of the Bitchassness begins. AEG which is the concert promoters gave MJ a full physical on his health so he can be able to get insured for the tour, and he passed his physical.. Why on Earth does MJ need a cardiologist to monitor heart and it was ticking fine mind you AEG hired Doctor Conrad Murray (BITCHASS),, sound funny dont it. We all Know MJ has a drug addiction, that's knowledge no needs to be surprised about. But what surprises me did anyone not realize that this "Doctor" was giving him anesthetics to sleep. The guards or someone else had to know. Why, not report it to AEG. So any who the night before he died "Doctor Dick head" gave MJ some of his anti depressants, his sleeps meds and a lethal dose of Propofol. If he is a certified MD why on earth are you mixing all the drugs together ? So on the early hours of June 25th Doctor Murray administers the Propofol to MJ, knowing that ur suppose to monitor the individuals hearts rate steps out the room to make several phones calls and to use the bathroom. When Doctor Murray step back into the room he found a unresponsive MJ. Doctor Murray begins administering CPR on MJ's Bed. Dont he know that your not suppose to administer CPR on a bed. (Retard) Eventually 911 was called and MJ was pronounced Dead in the Hospital.
The Bitchassness#2: Probate Court: Here's where the bitchassness really gets crazy. Michael Jackson's mind was like one of a childs No surprise their that he was in debt. What gets me is that why is everyone suing him all of a sudden . The chick in the Thriller Video is now suing Michael after over 25 years, saying that she doesnt receive checks for the syndication of the video. Why Now She could of done it a long time ago. Other people are starting to sue him for dumb shit they could of done years ago.
The Bitchassness#3: Doctor Murray strikes again: Ok Doctor has officially been charged with Manslaughter me personally i think at least 1st degree or 2nd degree murder charges should have been brought up. Any Who It pleas Not Guilty to the charges of Manslaughter and his defense case is saying Michael drugged himself. How in the ? What the ? go figure
The Bitchassness #4: MJ Friends: Doctor Arnie Klien was supposedly Michael's friend but why are you sayin your friend is a homo sexual. Are you that attention starved to throw your friend under the bus like that. Dumb ass
Im getting pissed the more I write this shit.. Leave Michael Jackson Alone and Let him Rest In Peace.
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